Artistic Offering (#141)
(Sita Rama in the Forest)

Rama Navami 2010
by Madhavendra Puri dasa, Paris

Belonging to Vishnu Tattva,
You shine on the Raghu Vamsha,
Beloved son of Kaushalya,
Your father is Dasharatha.

To win a bride, You broke a bow.
Though kshatriya, You made a vow:
Known by the name "Eka Patni",
Accepting only one devi.

The sages say Sita to be
None other than Lakshmi Devi.
In qualities, being equal,
Your union was pleasing to all.

Ideal raja You were to be,
When, suddenly, struck destiny!
Jealous, the king’s favourite wife,
Forced You to sacrifice Your life.

Tricking henpecked Dasharatha,
Queen Kaikeyi, for Bharata,
Obtained of Your coronation,
Ill advised the cancellation.

To unfair will surrendering,
In the wild You went wandering.
With this exile thus accepted,
Your father’s word was respected.

Spotless in her fidelity,
To follow You, Sita Devi,
The daughter of king Videha,
Left the comforts of Ayodhya.

You both went through tribulations
Due to demons’ evil actions.
To end up their atrocities,
You had to slay dark entities.

The worst of all was Ravana,
Lusting after mother Sita.
Using magic, the rakshasa,
Took her prisoner to Lanka.

Playing the part of a human,
You took the help of Hanuman,
Who in the realm of devotion,
Displays perfect dedication.

You had to plan an invasion
Of the island of the demon.
Gathering a monkey army,
A bridge was built above the sea.

You marched ahead with Hanuman,
Nila, Sugriva and Lakshman.
Having aroused Sita’s anger,
The abductors were in danger.

Devastating the great city,
Jungle dwellers won victory.
And, at the end, the ten-headed,
By one arrow was defeated.

Pious brother of Ravana,
Through Your mercy, Vibhisana,
Saved the sinner from suffering
Hellish torments never ending.

Upon Your chest, O Narayan,
Ideal servant Sri Hanuman,
Was pleased to place Lakshmi Devi
Were she belongs eternally.
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