Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra
New Vrindaban Dhama, West Virginia
"We want to show the world that Krishna's service is not stereotyped, one-sided. Krishna can be served from any position, provided one is willing to serve Him. Krishna can be served and approached by businessmen, by lawyers, by scientists, by artists, by musicians, by philosophers, even by thieves and rogues; everyone. He is so kind. One has simply to accept the prescribed method how to approach Him.
When I speak of thieves and rogues I do not mean that a Krishna devotee is also a thief or rogue. The idea is that even the thieves and rogues are eligible to accept this path of Krishna Consciousness and make their lives sublime. Actually, when a thief or rogue takes to Krishna Consciousness he soon becomes a saintly person.
Just like Jagai and Madhai: They were thieves and rogues, but after being favored by Lord Nityananda they became first-class devotees. So Krishna Consciousness is so nice that everyone can approach the goal, and if one simply agrees to follow the prescribed method, very soon he becomes a saintly person."
(Srila Prabhupada letter, November 11, 1969)