(Click to enlarge photo of Srila Prabhupada with Lord Jagannatha, Golden Gate Park, 1967)
"I went to your country for spreading this information of Krishna Consciousness & you are helping me in my mission although I am not physically present there but spiritually I am always with you."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, October 3, 1967)
"Krishna has sent you to me to help me in my mission. As you are my sincere spiritual son, Krishna will dictate to you what to do in this connection. So I have full faith in you and you can determine as Krishna speaks within your heart."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, December 29, 1967)
"Personally I am humble servant of Krishna as you are also, but I am deputed to accept your service just to transfer it to Krishna as via media. I shall try to do this service to you and Krishna throughout my life, and I am so proud to have such assistants as you are to help me in my mission to push on the Krishna Consciousness Movement. I do not know why I am attached to your country, but I strongly believe that if the American boys and girls would accept this philosophy, it would render the greatest service to the rest of the world."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, May 1, 1969)
"You are doing so much for fulfilling the desire of my Spiritual Master so you are indirectly the representative of my Guru Maharaj. He has been helping me in this matter by sending so many young boys and girls, otherwise who would help me in this mission while I came here empty handed and without any friend. I can only pray to Krsna to take care of you, otherwise I cannot repay your sincere service in my mission."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, February 21, 1970)
"I feel very much obliged to you for your nice understanding about my mission. Your offer of service to the cause of our Lord is also welcomed. I hope in future you shall be of great help in my mission and I can count upon."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, August 26, 1970)
"You have rightly appreciated my real mission, that whatever I have learned from Guru Maharaj I want to present to the English speaking public. Therefore I've tried to present these Vedic literatures in such a way that the common man will be able to appreciate and understand them. Both you and your brother have always helped me in this mission. Now continue to help me in that way."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, November 4, 1970)
"You are all helping me in pushing forward this mission of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu coming down by disciplic succession to my guru Maharaj. So whatever you have spoken, it is simply due to them. I am simply the via media to receive them on behalf of my Guru Maharaj, His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj Prabhupada."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, August 15, 1971)
"So this is our program of Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. We invite all learned scholars, priests, philosophers to combine together and save the world from this falldown, without God consciousness. It is not good at all. That is our request. So I think you all respectable priests and Fathers will kindly help me in this mission, and I shall be very much obliged to you."
(Srila Prabhupada Lecture at Christian Monastery, Melbourne, April 6, 1972)
"So at least the basic principles is being done, and I am very much thankful to you, you American, European boys and girls who are helping me in this mission. So go on cooperating in this way, and I am sure this mission of Caitanya Mahāprabhu will be successful. It must be successful because Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu wanted it to be done. Simply we, the workers, the servitors, must be very sincere. Then Caitanya Mahāprabhu will give us more and more facilities so that we can work very well. So keep this mission always in view and do your best. That is my only request."
(Srila Prabhupada Lecture, Mayapur, September 27, 1974)
"When I first came to America I never imagined that this movement would spread so far and wide. I thought that my Guru Maharaja has ordered me to try to spread his teachings in the English language, so let me try. In a country where everyone is trained from childhood to indulge in sinful activities who will accept these restrictions, no meat fish and eggs, no intoxicants, no gambling, no illicit sex life. These things are the life and soul of western people, and I never imagined that even one person would accept. But by the mercy of my spiritual master and Krishna the thing has taken shape. I am so much indebted to you nice boys and girls who are helping me in this mission that I always pray to Krishna for your advancement in Going back to Godhead more and more. Thank you."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, December 7, 1975)