(Click to enlarge photo of Srila Prabhupada)
"The sun is far above the planetary systems, and there is no possibility of its being covered by any kind of cloud; similarly, when a devotee is purified like the sun, from his pure heart there is a diffusion of ecstatic love which is more glorious than the sunshine."
(Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 17)
"Vaisnava is the ocean of mercy. There is no end. As you cannot, I mean to say, draw all the waters from the ocean, it is not possible. Similarly, a Vaisnava, a devotee ... ocean of mercy. You can draw from it as much mercy as you like, still, it is full."
(Srila Prabhupada Lecture, Boston, 1969)
"The mercy of the spiritual master is always there, but we have to take it. Just like the sun, it is there for everyone, but we at least have to stand in a receptive place to get the benefit."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, December 8, 1975)