Flowers for Radha-Krishna
by Patita Pavana das
Radha and Krishna the breath of my life,
Standing on Yamuna's flow'r-bedecked shore,
'Neath blossoms of fragrant kadamba trees blooming,
I've nothing but You and I want nothing more.
There in the splendidly sweet groves of Vraja,
There, Youthful Lovers, I'll make a gold throne;
There I will seat You in gem-studded glory,
There in the woods where the tulsi tree's sown.
On Lord Shyamasundar's dark limbs I will offer
Sweet-scented sandalwood pulp smeared with love.
Gourangi's gold arms will be amply anointed.
Your faces will beam like the moon-god above.
There will I fan You with peacock tail feathers,
And harvest bright malati buds from the land;
A garland I'll offer for Your Lordship's pleasure;
I'll dwell at Your feet and await Your command.
Patita Pavana das
(Based on the Bengali poem Sakhivrinde Vijnapati by Shrila Narottama das Thakur and versified by